Wednesday, November 13, 2013

10 Things I've Learnt, Turning 30

10 Things I've Learnt, Turning 30

1. Time waits for no man, neither will your family and your friends whom you have neglected while they have been around. Cherish them while you can.

2. Great relationships are hard to come by, when you have built one, hang on to it well lest it slips away from your life before you even notice it.

3. The number of friends, the number of Likes on your Facebook posts, the number of Twitter or Instagram followers aren't important, the real importance is in how many of their lives have you touched and are a part of. 

4. Good friends tell you all the good things that you enjoy hearing and laughing to, REAL friends tell you those that are hard to accept but still accept you for who you are. 

5. More money and things will not bring lasting happiness, gratitude, contentment and generosity will.

6. We often work harder than we ought, to eventually lead a simple and fulfilled life, when it can actually happen the other way around. 

7. It is usually NOT the big things or events that count in life, but the small things that continue to either build you up or tear you down.


8. Patience is indeed a virtue, sometimes you just have to outlive and outlast the bad that is around, and remain faithful to be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

9. True Love is never one that expects reciprocation, for even bad people do good to those who are good to them. It is one that chooses to place the needs of others before yourself. The 'Yes' to that which is harder to commit, and the 'No' to which is harder to reject.

10. Every word, every action, no matter how small it seems can have a lasting and huge impact to somebody else's life. A little 'joke' that can destroy one's ego or a little kindness that can restore one's dignity.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The start to many AHA moments in life...

I came to realise that in life, there are many AHA moments that we encounter, some more 'AHAish' than others, some that we forget, and some that stick with us for a lifetime, becoming our corner stone, our fundamentals, our core values in life. And this blog was started to journal these moments of 'AHAness' so that they never get lost between the synapses of our under utilised and under developed grey matter, aka brain (considering that most people, even Albert Einstein use less than 15% of his brain...)

And I believe that many of these moments are by no means coincidental, but rather God's way of speaking to us, through events, through images, through people, through music, through random thoughts, through the ups and downs of our very lives, to lead us somewhere where we sometimes dun wanna go, to push us out of our comfortable boundaries, to prune and grow us, to allow us to become who we are born and called to be, and to set the world ablaze!!! (not literally, “If you are what you should be, you will set the world ablaze.” Catherine of Siena)

So I thank God for this chance, this motivation and this start of this blog that hopefully becomes a personal journal of my aha moments, and possibly becoming someone else' aha moment. May the peace and love of God be with you all! Amen

*P.S. AHA - Not clearly defined, but a slang for a moment of truth or enlightenment... *AHA*....